Innovative education for a sustainable future

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A sustainable project

Anchored and locally adapted, conceived by numerous experts, with and for society, Terre d’École works in networks for the general interest with the support of public services, and integrates into its program essential contemporary themes related to education, health, sports, environmental protection, sustainable development, green revitalization of territories, local food production, and food self-sufficiency.

The campus in figures


boarding school






School meals


Jobs created


Health center


Hectares of forest



The President’s word

Human development lies at the heart of everything. Therefore, investing in the men and women of tomorrow is by far the best investment one can make, especially on the continent of boundless promise. At a time when climate change is reaching alarming proportions, with enormous costs involved, and the international community is rallying to the aid of a planet suffocating under pressure, it is only natural to address urgent matters and attempt to reverse the process. However, concerted action by nations must be aimed at the medium and long term if we are to aspire to better tomorrows for all.


By providing education that places the natural balances of our planet at the forefront of all concerns, we will ensure the necessary transition to a new era of prosperity, one that respects the various ecosystems that make up our planet as a whole. In doing so, we will leave behind a sustainable and respectable legacy for future generations. Terre d’École, and the network it aspires to create, aligns with this logic and seeks to inspire others around it, in Africa, and beyond.

Maria Maylin


A classical education adapted to new knowledge and the modernity of science

Democratizing knowledge, reconnecting tradition and modernity, and teaching about Earth's knowledge

Teachers trained in the philosophy and values of Terre d'École are selected from the country's teaching staff

Combining pedagogical excellence with sporting excellence

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